St. Agatha's Junior School
St. Agatha's Nursery
St Lukes School
Marymount Internat. School
Teddington School - project 1
Barnsbury School
Guildford Grove Primary
Nelson School
The Ashcombe School
Teddington School - project 2
Hampton Wick Infant & Junior
Roehampton Church School
Heathfield Special School
Norland Place School
SCIART - a unique Science project
Bishop David Brown School
Wolsey Infant School
Elmwood Primary School
Redbourn Infant School
Hampton School
Priory School
Fielding Primary School
Knights Enham Infant School
Burghclere Primary School
St. Joseph's Cath. Primary
Waltham St. Lawrence Prim.
Before You Call
Setting Up
Schools Projects


Initial meeting: this is a meeting to discuss the above elements and to assess the site and options available.

Proposal: we will send you a proposal with all the ideas discussed at the meeting and also a proposed budget. This is not a binding contract and if you want to discuss or alter anything in the proposal please call us and we will be happy to accommodate any thoughts / ideas.

Liasing & project build up: if you decide to go ahead with the project there will be some necessary liasing and organisation as well as project build up with the children.

Design: Mosaic Art Ltd can come into the school to oversee the design process. Alternatively the school can do design sessions with the children and send drawings on to us by post. Drawings should be on A4 paper and can be in any medium, black and white or colour.

Workshops: The workshops will be set up in a dedicated room at the school. If possible the room should have water and a hard floor.

Installation: The mosaic will be installed by Mosaic Art Ltd [and an experienced builder where necessary] at a time when the fewest people are about for health and safety reasons.

Celebration / opening: We encourage a celebration or opening to which all participants and local press can be invited.